Monday, May 25, 2009

To Father On His 60th Anniversary

Acrylic On Paper
h: 7 x w: 5 in

This particular body of work aims to explore the Dynamic and Plastic nature of the world at the close of the first decade of the 21st century. It is a celebration of the fluidity of contemporary life. We live in an age that is both post-identity as well as post reality. The very certainty of everything around us vanishes more and more by the second. Fear and Chaos have become the twin orders of the day. But as is always true our lives are not our making. Our only option now, as it ever was, is to choose how we will react to the order our minds percieve as chaos. Will we fight the current and swim like salmon dooming ourselves in the process or will we ride this big beautiful wave all the way to happiness. Shiva's dance of thunder is both the end of the world and the labour pains of a whole new universe. I say Dance Dance Dance.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Everyone Says "When I Grow Up I Wanna Be a Junkie"

Acrylic On Canvas
h: 48 x w: 36 in
This particular body of work is a return to my roots, both literally and figuratively. I have always, at my core, been a pop artist. My work has always in one way or another always been loud, brash and colourful and I have always been drawn to and inspired by similarly bombastic artists. At the end of the day if my work doesn't Pop off the canvas I feel I have failed. It is with that said that I have begun this body of work that is in a way an attempt, possibly futile, to merge my high art with my low art. In addition to the work I have shown here I have always also done other work that leans heavily on my earlier days spent as a grafitti artist. This work has existed primarily in micro-run tees and hoodies that I have produced. It is my goal to combine some of what I have been doing in that work with what I have been doing on canvas and have been showcasing here. It is work that is influenced by growing up in the Reagan 80s, listening to both hip as well as heavy metal and overdosing on Mtv and You Can't Do That On Television. The mashup of signals my brain recieved made me the person I am today and I hope that is reflected in this work.

China White

Acrylic On Canvas
h: 20 x w: 16 in
This particular body of work is a return to my roots, both literally and figuratively. I have always, at my core, been a pop artist. My work has always in one way or another always been loud, brash and colourful and I have always been drawn to and inspired by similarly bombastic artists. At the end of the day if my work doesn't Pop off the canvas I feel I have failed. It is with that said that I have begun this body of work that is in a way an attempt, possibly futile, to merge my high art with my low art. In addition to the work I have shown here I have always also done other work that leans heavily on my earlier days spent as a grafitti artist. This work has existed primarily in micro-run tees and hoodies that I have produced. It is my goal to combine some of what I have been doing in that work with what I have been doing on canvas and have been showcasing here. It is work that is influenced by growing up in the Reagan 80s, listening to both hip as well as heavy metal and overdosing on Mtv and You Can't Do That On Television. The mashup of signals my brain recieved made me the person I am today and I hope that is reflected in this work.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Girls On Film

Acrylic On Canvas
h: 20 x w: 16 in
This particular body of work is a return to my roots, both literally and figuratively. I have always, at my core, been a pop artist. My work has always in one way or another always been loud, brash and colourful and I have always been drawn to and inspired by similarly bombastic artists. At the end of the day if my work doesn't Pop off the canvas I feel I have failed. It is with that said that I have begun this body of work that is in a way an attempt, possibly futile, to merge my high art with my low art. In addition to the work I have shown here I have always also done other work that leans heavily on my earlier days spent as a grafitti artist. This work has existed primarily in micro-run tees and hoodies that I have produced. It is my goal to combine some of what I have been doing in that work with what I have been doing on canvas and have been showcasing here. It is work that is influenced by growing up in the Reagan 80s, listening to both hip as well as heavy metal and overdosing on Mtv and You Can't Do That On Television. The mashup of signals my brain recieved made me the person I am today and I hope that is reflected in this work.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Make It Rain

Acrylic On Canvas
h: 20 x w: 16 in
This particular body of work is a return to my roots, both literally and figuratively. I have always, at my core, been a pop artist. My work has always in one way or another always been loud, brash and colourful and I have always been drawn to and inspired by similarly bombastic artists. At the end of the day if my work doesn't Pop off the canvas I feel I have failed. It is with that said that I have begun this body of work that is in a way an attempt, possibly futile, to merge my high art with my low art. In addition to the work I have shown here I have always also done other work that leans heavily on my earlier days spent as a grafitti artist. This work has existed primarily in micro-run tees and hoodies that I have produced. It is my goal to combine some of what I have been doing in that work with what I have been doing on canvas and have been showcasing here. It is work that is influenced by growing up in the Reagan 80s, listening to both hip as well as heavy metal and overdosing on Mtv and You Can't Do That On Television. The mashup of signals my brain recieved made me the person I am today and I hope that is reflected in this work.

Monday, May 11, 2009

10 Little Indians

Acrylic On Canvas
h: 24 x w: 30 in
This particular body of work is a return to my roots, both literally and figuratively. I have always, at my core, been a pop artist. My work has always in one way or another always been loud, brash and colourful and I have always been drawn to and inspired by similarly bombastic artists. At the end of the day if my work doesn't Pop off the canvas I feel I have failed. It is with that said that I have begun this body of work that is in a way an attempt, possibly futile, to merge my high art with my low art. In addition to the work I have shown here I have always also done other work that leans heavily on my earlier days spent as a grafitti artist. This work has existed primarily in micro-run tees and hoodies that I have produced. It is my goal to combine some of what I have been doing in that work with what I have been doing on canvas and have been showcasing here. It is work that is influenced by growing up in the Reagan 80s, listening to both hip as well as heavy metal and overdosing on Mtv and You Can't Do That On Television. The mashup of signals my brain recieved made me the person I am today and I hope that is reflected in this work.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This Is Your Brain On Mtv

Acrylic On Canvas
h: 24 x w: 18 in
This particular body of work is a return to my roots, both literally and figuratively. I have always, at my core, been a pop artist. My work has always in one way or another always been loud, brash and colourful and I have always been drawn to and inspired by similarly bombastic artists. At the end of the day if my work doesn't Pop off the canvas I feel I have failed. It is with that said that I have begun this body of work that is in a way an attempt, possibly futile, to merge my high art with my low art. In addition to the work I have shown here I have always also done other work that leans heavily on my earlier days spent as a grafitti artist. This work has existed primarily in micro-run tees and hoodies that I have produced. It is my goal to combine some of what I have been doing in that work with what I have been doing on canvas and have been showcasing here. It is work that is influenced by growing up in the Reagan 80s, listening to both hip as well as heavy metal and overdosing on Mtv and You Can't Do That On Television. The mashup of signals my brain recieved made me the person I am today and I hope that is reflected in this work.