Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hope of Better Days

Acrylic On Canvas
h: 18 x w: 24 in
This particular body of work aims to explore the Dynamic and Plastic nature of the world at the close of the first decade of the 21st century. It is a celebration of the fluidity of contemporary life. We live in an age that is both post-identity as well as post reality. The very certainty of everything around us vanishes more and more by the second. Fear and Chaos have become the twin orders of the day. But as is always true our lives are not our making. Our only option now, as it ever was, is to choose how we will react to the order our minds percieve as chaos. Will we fight the current and swim like salmon dooming ourselves in the process or will we ride this big beautiful wave all the way to happiness. Shiva's dance of thunder is both the end of the world and the labour pains of a whole new universe. I say Dance Dance Dance.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Return To Avalon

Acrylic On Paper
h: 12 x w: 16 in
At the end of the first decade of the 21st Century One must wonder if the the american empire will one day rightly be none as the last empire. We are living in an era that is distinctly post border / post nation. The power once amassed and wielded by the sons of Rome increasingly seems more and more antiquated. This body of work seeks to imagine a possible world in the making, as it is being birthed. This work aims to be a diary of this birthing process. The works primary visual influence is the Maritime colours (or flags) of empires past reimagined for this coming brand new day.

Sons and Daughters of The Holy Roman Empire

Acrylic On Paper
h: 8 x w: 12 in
At the end of the first decade of the 21st Century One must wonder if the the american empire will one day rightly be none as the last empire. We are living in an era that is distinctly post border / post nation. The power once amassed and wielded by the sons of Rome increasingly seems more and more antiquated. This body of work seeks to imagine a possible world in the making, as it is being birthed. This work aims to be a diary of this birthing process. The works primary visual influence is the Maritime colours (or flags) of empires past reimagined for this coming brand new day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Bromley Contingent

Acrylic On Canvas
h: 12 x w: 16 in
At the end of the first decade of the 21st Century One must wonder if the the american empire will one day rightly be none as the last empire. We are living in an era that is distinctly post border / post nation. The power once amassed and wielded by the sons of Rome increasingly seems more and more antiquated. This body of work seeks to imagine a possible world in the making, as it is being birthed. This work aims to be a diary of this birthing process. The works primary visual influence is the Maritime colours (or flags) of empires past reimagined for this coming brand new day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

That Is Will To Power

Acrylic On Paper
h: 12 x w: 16 in
At the end of the first decade of the 21st Century One must wonder if the the american empire will one day rightly be none as the last empire. We are living in an era that is distinctly post border / post nation. The power once amassed and wielded by the sons of Rome increasingly seems more and more antiquated. This body of work seeks to imagine a possible world in the making, as it is being birthed. This work aims to be a diary of this birthing process. The works primary visual influence is the Maritime colours (or flags) of empires past reimagined for this coming brand new day.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Empire: They Reminisce Over You

Acrylic On Paper
h: 9 x w: 12 in
At the end of the first decade of the 21st Century One must wonder if the the american empire will one day rightly be none as the last empire. We are living in an era that is distinctly post border / post nation. The power once amassed and wielded by the sons of Rome increasingly seems more and more antiquated. This body of work seeks to imagine a possible world in the making, as it is being birthed. This work aims to be a diary of this birthing process. The works primary visual influence is the Maritime colours (or flags) of empires past reimagined for this coming brand new day.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Mixed-Media On Board
h: 20 x w: 16 in
This is part of a new series of mixed-media works entitled "Patterns Emerge, Over Time... Yeah" This work explores the fetishization of Now. We live in an era of unprecedented technological wonder. Technology allows people to connect more easily than ever. This opens doors both good as well as evil. The economic and cultural gains of India and China would never have been possible even twenty five years ago. However, the flip-side of these times is 9/11 and hyper-sexualization of children in the form of online pedophiles and the current rage of sexting. The generation making choices that effect every person on this planet is beyond inept when it comes to understanding both the challenges as well as the opportunities of this new day rising. Our fate is in our hands like it has never been before. We face both hurdles as well as options that no generation prior has faced. It is this weird, wild and amazing time that this new work explores.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baltimore Here I Come

I am pleased to announce that as of August 31st 2009, I will be enrolled in The Post-Baccalaureate Program at The Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland. MICA is ranked 4th in the nation for Fine Arts Graduate Programs by US World News and Reports.